Sunday, 18 December 2011

Menu Plan Monday

I actually plan my meals and shop on Saturday morning, so that's why my menu plan is Saturday-Friday. (This will most likely change when school starts back and I can shop alone(!) through the week.) This is my first "official" Menu Plan Monday post. (Hi, Organizing Junkie readers!) One of these days, I'll make something totally fabulous & share the recipe(s). If you see something here that you don't know how to make, e-mail me and I'll send you recipes/ instructions. Here's what we're eating at the Southern Fried House of Fun this week:

Saturday: steak, baked potatoes, salad

Sunday: veggie dinner--we were hoping to score some great produce at a local farmer's market, but ended up with our usual produce stand's offerings--fried okra, mashed new potatoes, coleslaw, cornbread, sliced onion & tomatoes, cucumbers marinated in olive oil & vinegar, meat totally not missed!

Desert of the week: Sunday night--homemade peach pie with fresh, locally grown peaches...yum!

Monday: teriyaki pork kabobs, rice pilaf (left-overs for my lunch work on Tuesday)

Tuesday: tacos with homemade guacamole & pico de gallo

Wednesday: the boys & mom will be at an amusement/ water park all day, and could be late getting home...dinner on your own night!

Thursday: crispy oven-baked chicken, mac & cheese, green beans

Friday: probably dinner out or pizza night

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